
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Term One Information

Welcome to Term 1, 2015 with Room 2 and the Bethells Pod. I am very excited to work alongside you and your child on their Year 3 learning journey.
The other classes and teachers in our team are –
Room 1 – Mrs. Sonya Galbraith – Year 5 and 6

Room 3 – Miss. Nikki Jones – Year 1
Room 4 – Mrs. Sue Grenfell – Year 1
The School Day
School starts at 8:55 and it is important that children arrive before this to put away their bags, check they have all the equipment they need for the day, sharpen pencils and help to put out the chairs. The school day ends at 3:00.
Lunch is at 12:30 and we all eat together in the pod. Children are supervised for 10 minutes eating time and they are then able to play, although many choose to eat for longer. The children are encouraged to eat healthy food at school – sandwiches, fruit, nuts, crackers etc. They also need to have a good drink of water for the day. Please do not send fizzy drinks, lollies or chocolate to school. Due to the increasing number of children who have food allergies we encourage children to eat their own lunches and ask them not to share food with others. They are expected to bring home lunch papers and packets in their lunch boxes and only put ‘sticky’ rubbish in the school bins.
Please don’t send birthday cakes to school on your child’s birthday. If you wish to send something, a small party favour for each child impacts less on our learning time and creates less mess. We will celebrate with the birthday song and talk about the child’s birthday plans.
Please make sure your child is dressed in the correct Summerland uniform and that it is clearly labelled or marked with their name. This makes it easier for lost items to be returned. The school lost property box is kept outside Room 7 if you need to search for an item and there is also a box for misplaced clothing in our cloak bay.
This term the children will be required to wear a Summerland sun hat when they are outside. Any child not wearing a hat will be asked to stay in the shaded areas at play times and also during Jump Jam, physical education lessons and sport.
If your child requires long-term medication for asthma, allergies etc., please hand it in to the office for safekeeping. With the office staff’s help we will make sure it comes with us on any out-of-school trips. Any short-term medication also needs to be handed to the office and the office staff will make sure it is given to your child.
Notices are sent home each Thursday but there may be some occasions where this is not possible, so please check your child's bag every day. You can subscribe to school newsletters under the home tab on the school website. or view them on the school Facebook page.
Home Learning
The home learning books have been set up for the year and the children brought them home last Friday. There are additional sheets for mathematics and science challenges in the classroom, along with extra challenge task cards, which must be completed for each challenge. If you would like more information about home learning at Summerland you can go to the school website – Home LearningChildren will also have home readers during the week, usually from Monday to Thursday. I encourage you to read to your child each day as this can develop a love of books and can motivate your child to become a voracious reader.  
Scholastic Book Orders
Once a term we send home Scholastic book order forms. If you wish to order anything from these please send in the payment and the completed slip from the back of the brochure. I will order them and they will be delivered to school. These are not compulsory so please do not feel like you have to place an order.
I will keep you up to date with happenings in the classroom and pod on the Summerland website or on the Room 2 SPS-Superstars Blog.
My aim is for your child to come to school happy and therefore ready and able to learn. If you have any questions, at any time, please don't hesitate to contact me. You are welcome to talk to me before school or at the end of the day unless I am required for a meeting. If it is urgent, please contact the office as I cannot always check emails during the school day and would not like to miss an important message.
Kind regards, Glenys Holt

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